Remember, the secret language of each personality is easy. Just a couple of words. The real skill is being able to recognize the colour personality your prospect is…quickly.
Blues are easy to spot because they are always talking. They are full of life. Wherever I see a three-year-old moonwalking at the shopping mall. I say to myself, “Yep, that is a blue personality. And the parents are in for a long, long childhood of trying to get that child to focus.”
Let’s look at some examples of blue personalities.
Mel Gibson in the movie Lethal Weapon was blue. He was a crazy cop, wanting constant action, and you felt like he would say, “Let’s go out and shoot some people, fill out the report later, then ask questions.” Action, action, action. Blues take action, don’t need to be bothered with information and facts, and are out building their network marketing business before they even know what the products do. You have to love people with that kind of action mentality.
Blues spend their time in action, and they don’t waste their time with pondering and thinking. They are just out there making it happen. If you want something to happen, get the blues on it. If a blue landed at your local airport, the first thing he would say is, “Oh, what sightseeing tour can we do first? What parties can we go to tonight? What kind of fun can we have now?
John Cleese, in the British comedy Faulty Towers, was a great example of a blue personality. Constant activity in a hundred different directions simultaneously, with little accomplished, wanting to have fun.
Or how about the English comedian, Benny Hill? Every show was 30 seconds of frantic activity, lots of laughts, lots of fun, and then on to the next 30 seconds of frantic activity, laughts and more laughts.
Cartoon characters?
Bugs Bunny and SpongeBob SquarePants. Definitely characters who love to have fun. Not shy, always wanting something new and interesting.
The Disney character Goofy, was all about living in the moment, no planning, having fun, and he did that with a 24-hour smile on his face, no matter how much trouble he was in.
Homer Simpson? Definitely blue. Never thought things out, didn’t plan, just lived every moment and enjoyed life as he could. And yes, his wife Marge was the yellow personality who took care of all the messes that Homer made.
In the movie Finding Nemo, the fast-talking blue tang fish named Dory had a short memory but was always cheerful and ready for the next adventure. She was ultra-blue.
What about Charlie Brown’s dog, Snoopy? Of course Snoopy was a blue. Always having fun, imagining himself as a pilot…blues live in the present.
On the children’s show Sesame Street, can you think of some blue personalities? How about Ernie? Full of fun, mischief, enjoying every moment of every day. Or how about the Cookie Monster? He lived in the moment, was excited every time he saw a coolie, was full of life, and had …blue fur!
Reference: The Four Colour Personalities For MLM: Tom “Big Al ” Schreiter.