Direct Marketing In A Week- Language that Persuades-2

Avoid circumspection
A persuasive tone has no place for ‘I think….’, ‘I hope….,’probably’, ‘maybe or perhaps’. Have the courage of your convections. Anything for which you seek agreement must reflect your confidence in it. So phrases like ‘this will give you…’are better. Similarly, avoid bland description.

Your case is never just ‘very good’. Nothing about your proposition should be stated as being quite interesting’. Use words and description that add drama and certitude. Attention here can transform a case. The job is to bring your ideas to life, to have people really wanting to hear more about them and recognizing – easily and up front – that they are [if they are] special.

Stress The Benefits
Features are factual things- tangible words long, occupies a couple of pages and deals with persuasive language: all these facts are features. Benefits are things that something does for or means to people. So the benefits of reading this are; receiving an introduction to a useful aspect of persuasive communication; help in avoiding your making key mistakes that will dilute your persuasive effectiveness; and increasing the chances of your next mailshot prompting many responses.

Benefits should always predominate in any message. They should be sufficient to persuade, they should be well expressed and lead the message rather than being tagged on as some sort of afterthought.
It is usually best to state benefits first – making your case benefit-led. Features logically fit second, as with ‘This frying pan can cook five or six eggs at the same time{benefit, because it’s 75 square centimeters {feature}’. In other words, features explain how it is benefits exist. And with a large family or cafe owner.

Additionally, it is often necessary for a case to be backed up by proof or evidence. That is other than you saying so. It includes everything from the opinions of others likely to be respected by whomever you aim to persuade to factual evidence . For example, which is more believable ; a car brochure saying’ This model does 45 mg’, or ‘tests by the Automobile Association show that this model does 45 mpg’? Bear in mind that this is only something that carries weight if the potential customer is interested in economical motoring.

So, ensuring that you are persuasive needs some preparation. Think about what you want to say. Ask yourself why anyone should agree to your idea proposal. List the reasons – all of them. Then organize them. What is most important? Arrange a logical argument; say something at the beginning to command attention and then ensure you maintain interest throughout.

A powerful start quickly tailing away will persuade no one. Lead with the benefits. And let features follow to explain. This section will allow readers to experiment with a more persuasive style [ benefit}, because it is written reflecting proven, practical approaches to communication [feature]. Then, when do you close – ask for agreement – increasing your chances of getting it.

Maybe next time you set out to persuade, perhaps you might consider doing some checking….Oops! Sorry. Next time you want to obtain agreement and commitment, make checking that your case is not just well described, but persuasively described, a priority. That said, you have to get the words down.

Reference: Direct marketing In a Week: Patrick Forsyth

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